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About Roma Aero Club
Roma Aero Club is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation aimed at promoting aviation of all forms amongst enthusiasts and the local community alike. Our members come from a broad cross-section of aeronautical experience, consisting of both RAA and GA qualified pilots, as well as amateur aircraft builders.
Whether you're a pilot or an aircraft enthusiast, we'd love love to see you at the club! All enquiries are most welcome!
If you're looking to gain your wings and take to the skies, then take a look at our flight training page where you'll find Skyeast Aviation who can happily service all of your RAA training needs.
If you're a qualified RAA pilot, then you may be interested in hiring an aircraft to fuel your passion. Check out the details for Skyeast Aviation's Tecnam P92 Eaglet, listed on our club & facilities page.